LUISACL">Buy gold online - quickly, safely and at low prices

So here goes my first recommendation, or warning, depending on what your interests might be.

Bullionvault is a website where you can trade gold. Gold has been known throughout the times as an exchange currency, one of the few which has survived through enumerous crises, such as this one we are sort of living right now.

Anytime is a good time to buy some gold. I may post some facts and figures on gold prices and links to all sorts of aspects and quotes on gold.

Anyway, the purpose of this all being, Bullion vault gives a free gram of gold, worth of 35 dollars or so, on your registration.

For those interested, as it will become usual, i present with short pros and cons and with a link.


1. I have tried it myself and it is actually true. This is not a scam of any kind. You will see a bit further what you need to do to claim and collect.

2. If you do not want to buy gold, you may use your account and your free gram of gold only to learn how to trade, and to see from within how the trade works, by selling your gram and re buying from international markets.


1. As I have understood, in order to withdraw money from your account you must have a minimum 100 dollars balance

This might be a nice way of starting to invest in gold for those interested, or just a fun way of learning how it works. I am writting down here a few facts on the company so you can see for yourselves the legimitacy of the thing. I figure 35 bucks is not much for guys like this and probably they end up geting all this money back from subscriptions and commisions of the big sharks' trades.


If you want to start building your gold stock there may be quicker ways to start. For those interested in checking up the prices of gold - meaning what people are willing to pay for gold now - you can look up ebay or amazon.


FACTSHEET from Bullion vault, quoted from http://www.bullionvault.com/help/index.do?content=FAQs/FAQs_governance.html in 16.02.2010

BullionVault is owned by Galmarley Limited [name origin], which is company number 4943684 registered in Great Britain.
As at October 2008 the company had 47 shareholders.  For a modest fee you can obtain a full and formal shareholder list, updated annually, from Companies House onhttp://www.companieshouse.gov.uk.
Galmarley's offices are in West London (UK) and we welcome callers by appointment. Our contact details are here.
Our services are delivered to you by our own computer machinery hosted in separate locations in Britain and USA, which we connect to and manage from our London offices.
Galmarley is involved exclusively in gold and gold related information technology. It owns not only www.BullionVault.com but also www.galmarley.com
The www.galmarley.com site is a free educational resource for researchers seeking information on gold's monetary history, its modern role, and how it is traded around the world. It was developed and published in 2001/2 and has grown to become one of the most visited and studied gold resources on the Internet.
Feedback from Galmarley's many tens of thousands of visitors inspired the BullionVault service.

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